Released: 7 May 2010

Director: Pankaj Batra
Music: Jawad Ahmad
Released: 7 May 2010
Budget: Indian rupee 40 million
Cinematography: Ramanan Krishna
Story line:Virsa is the story of Nawaz Ali and Ranvir Singh Grewal and their families. Nawaz Ali hails from Lahore in Pakistan and Ranvir Singh Grewal belongs to a village, Jakopur, in Punjab, India. About 20 years ago, both of them migrated to Sydney, Australia, in search of work, where they met and became the best of friends. Gradually, their hard work paid off. Ranvir opened an Indian restaurant, which became a runaway success. Nawaz Ali opened a shop opposite Ranvir’s restaurant. It did well and he could manage to lead a comfortable life but he was not as successful as Ranvir.

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